
Package: com.eegeo.mapapi.polygons


double getElevation()

Returns the current elevation of the polygon. The property is interpreted differently, depending on the ElevationMode property.

Returns: A height, in meters.

void setElevation(double elevation)

Sets the elevation of this polygon.

Type argument Description
double elevation A height in meters. Interpretation depends on the current PolygonOptions.MarkerElevationMode.

ElevationMode getElevationMode()

Returns the mode specifying how the Elevation property is interpreted.

Returns: An enumerated value indicating whether Elevation is specified as a height above terrain, or an absolute altitude above sea level.

void setElevationMode(ElevationMode elevationMode)

Sets the elevation mode for this polygon.

Type argument Description
ElevationMode elevationMode The mode specifying how to interpret the Elevation property.

String getIndoorMapId()

Gets the identifier of an indoor map on which this polygon should be displayed, if any.

Returns: For a polygon on an indoor map, the string identifier of the indoor map; otherwise an empty string.

void setIndoorMapId(String indoorMapId)

Sets the identifier of an indoor map on which this polygon should be displayed, if any.

int getIndoorFloorId()

Gets the identifier of an indoor map floor on which this polygon should be displayed, if any.

Returns: The indoor map floor id.

void setIndoorFloorId(int indoorFloorId)

Sets the identifier of an indoor map floor on which this polygon should be displayed, if any.

Type argument Description
int indoorFloorId The indoor map floor id.

int getFillColor()

Gets the fill color of the polygon.

Returns: The fill color of the polygon as a 32-bit ARGB color.

void setFillColor(int fillColor)

Sets the fill color for this polygon.

Type argument Description
int fillColor The fill color of the polygon as a 32-bit ARGB color.

List<LatLng> getPoints()

Gets the outline points of the polygon.

Returns: The vertices of the exterior ring (outline) of this polygon.

List<List> getHoles()

Gets the points that define holes for this polygon.

Returns: A list of lists - each inner list contains the vertices of an interior ring (hole) of this polygon.

Overview Introduction
Picking PickResult
Widgets (Optional) BlueSphere
Tag Service (Optional) TagService OnTagsLoadCompletedListener
RouteView Widget (Optional) RouteView RouteViewOptions